Bootstrap Biz Advice empowers burnt-out business owners to achieve work-life balance through technology. Lashondra Brown offers practical tips and tutorials on leveraging tools like Canva and AI to streamline processes and enhance productivity. Her target audience is entrepreneurs seeking mindful marketing strategies and tech-driven solutions.
Learn how to create engaging vertical videos for social media using Canva, Pixabay, and your phone's recording capabilities. The tutorial details how to design videos in Canva, add royalty-free music from Pixabay, record voiceovers directly within Canva or using an external app, and seamlessly share your finished MP4 video across various social media platforms.
Learn how to organize your Canva account for efficient design workflows using folders, brand kits, and a consistent naming system for your projects and assets. The video demonstrates how to create folders and subfolders within Canva, leverage brand kits for streamlined branding, and use Canva's search function to quickly locate assets by utilizing a descriptive naming convention for all uploaded files.
Learn how to leverage Canva's AI features, including Magic Design, Dreamlab, Magic Resize, and Magic Media, to create marketing materials and designs efficiently. The video demonstrates using these tools within Canva Pro to generate presentations, images, videos, and edit photos, saving time and enhancing your workflow.
Learn how to create professional landing pages for events or products using Canva's website builder without needing separate landing page software. The video demonstrates using Canva's templates and design tools, along with custom domains (or Canva's free domains), to build and publish a functional website, even incorporating payment processing and real-time collaboration features.