Hudson Rennie is a full-time writer who shares strategies for monetizing writing on platforms like Medium, Newsbreak, and Substack. His content focuses on practical tips and real-world examples for writers seeking alternative income streams.
Learn how to use Medium to build a writing portfolio and generate a side income, even as a beginner. The video explores the platform's pros and cons, advising on when it's a suitable option (for portfolio building and networking) and when other platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Substack, or a personal website might be better suited for monetization and reaching a wider audience.
Learn how to create your own Medium publication to build a community and potentially generate income as a writer. The video demonstrates using Canva for graphic design (logo and avatar creation), and walks you through the Medium platform's publication setup, including adding writers, scheduling posts, and using tags to optimize content discovery.
Learn how to grow your Substack newsletter to 1,000 subscribers and beyond, turning your writing into a potential business. The strategy involves leveraging Substack's notes feature for increased visibility, consistent daily posting (at least one note), and a weekly newsletter with a paid tier to generate income, all while engaging with other writers in your niche.