Hugo Nobre is a seasoned digital marketer offering actionable tutorials and resources on digital marketing, cryptocurrency, and software. His content focuses on leveraging AI tools, marketing automation, and crypto strategies for entrepreneurs and businesses.
Learn how to leverage trending topics to boost your business's conversion rates and sales using Exploding Topics Pro. This platform provides weekly trend reports, a database of over 24,000 topics, trend search capabilities, and access to emerging markets, all accessible via different pricing plans and a 14-day trial.
Learn how to generate and edit AI images locally using your AMD GPU with Muse AI, a software compatible with Stable Diffusion models. This video demonstrates Muse AI's easy and advanced modes, showcasing image generation with prompts, AMD XDNA upscaling, AI filters for stylized images, and sketch-to-image features; all while using tools within the Muse AI software.
Learn how to identify and capitalize on emerging market trends using Exploding Topics Pro, a trend research and analysis tool. This software analyzes data from various online sources, identifying trends before they go mainstream, providing actionable insights via a dashboard, weekly reports, and API access for custom integration.