Kerry Egeler is a print-on-demand business expert providing strategies and insights for growing apparel businesses. Her content covers tools, trends, product ideas, and marketing tips for online t-shirt, apparel, and print-on-demand entrepreneurs.
Learn how to create realistic AI-powered t-shirt mockups for your print-on-demand business using Recraft AI, Midjourney, and other AI image generators. This video demonstrates how to easily generate and customize mockups, streamlining the design process by combining AI image generation with Recraft AI's mockup feature to eliminate manual editing in Photoshop.
Learn how to leverage Midjourney Alpha's features for AI art generation to boost your creative e-commerce business. The video demonstrates using Midjourney Alpha's web interface for faster image generation and improved organization, including features like style and character referencing, along with image uploads and descriptions.
Learn how to create unique print-on-demand t-shirt designs using AI art generators. The video details using Midjourney and Idiogram for design elements, for image enhancement, and Canva for final design and background removal, resulting in a print-ready design.