Mastering monday

Mastering monday is a channel dedicated to helping individuals and businesses maximize their use of Through tutorials, tips, and workflows, the channel guides users from beginners to advanced, offering expertise on features, integrations, and best practices.

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Mastering monday
loves for growth!
Visualize, organize, and collaborate on projects with streamlined workflows.
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Project Management
Team Collaboration
How to Manage Multiple Projects in with an Incredible New Feature (2024)

Explore how to manage multiple projects efficiently in using its new portfolio feature for high-level overviews and automatically connected sub-boards. This video demonstrates creating a portfolio board to oversee individual project boards, leveraging the platform's project health tracking, Gantt charts, and automated status updates for streamlined project management.

The Best Way to Automatically Sync Items to Multiple Boards in

Find out how to sync items between boards using the vlookup app to keep clients updated. This video shows you how to set up an internal task board that syncs with a client-facing board, automating status and time updates.

Revolutionize Your Marketing Agency Workflow in 2024 with

Explore how to implement a workflow for marketing agencies to manage projects and tasks. The outcome is learning how to track projects, deadlines, and task statuses with full transparency using

Master Column Templates in NOW and Get Ahead!

Explore how to save columns as templates in for consistent use across multiple boards. Learn to streamline your workflow by creating and reusing column templates, ensuring uniformity in your project management.