Metics Media provides in-depth tutorials on website builders and online platforms. Simon, the creator, offers expert guidance on tools like Hostinger, Wix, WordPress, Shopify, and ClickUp, catering to beginners and those looking to expand their online presence.
Learn how to design a professional Shopify store using the platform's editor and free themes. Get started quickly with a $1/month extended trial, then choose a theme and customize the homepage, add products, and configure collections to begin attracting customers.
Learn how to build a streamlined project management system using ClickUp's all-in-one platform for task management, collaboration, and workflow tracking. The video walks through setting up your workspace, creating spaces/lists/tasks, using views like boards and calendars, and leveraging templates and dashboards to visualize data - all achievable with just a free account and your laptop.
Learn how to create a professional website using Squarespace's intuitive platform and AI-powered tools, including Blueprint AI for template creation. The video details a step-by-step process, demonstrating customization with text, images, and backgrounds, while also covering mobile optimization and publishing your site.
Learn how to build a profitable Shopify store from scratch using free themes and a $1 trial. Follow the step-by-step video guide, including setting up product collections, optimizing images, and choosing appropriate shipping rates, to launch your store and start selling quickly.