
Mickmumpitz explores emerging technologies in digital art, film, and gaming through hands-on tutorials and project demonstrations. Their content focuses on AI tools like ComfyUI, Flux, and ChatGPT, showcasing how to generate characters, sets, and even entire films using these innovative platforms.

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Comfy UI
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Flux AI
Generate realistic images with stunning detail and simplified setup.
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AI & Automation
Design & Creative
Stable Diffusion
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Create CONSISTENT CHARACTERS for your projects with FLUX! (ComfyUI Tutorial)

Learn how to create consistent AI-generated characters for various media, including movies and books, using a streamlined workflow. The tutorial utilizes Comi, Stable Diffusion (versions 1.5 and XL), Flux, Flux Gym, and Pinocchio, to generate character sheets, train custom LoRAs, and automate the creation of consistent images from multiple angles and emotions, significantly improving character consistency across different shots.