Philip Anders is a print-on-demand expert sharing practical design and marketing strategies. His channel features tutorials on tools like Ideogram, Flux, and Mystic POD, plus business tips for Amazon Merch, Etsy, and Shopify sellers.
Learn how to generate print-on-demand designs and mockups using Recraft AI, Canva, and Etsy. The video details using Recraft AI's features, including style creation, vectorizing, background removal, and its built-in mockup generator, to create and market designs for sale on Etsy.
Learn how to enhance print-on-demand designs using Idiogram's new canvas feature for efficient editing and design improvements. The video demonstrates using the magic fill and extend tools within Idiogram's canvas to remove, replace, and expand design elements, streamlining the design process and eliminating the need for additional software like Photoshop.
Learn how to upscale images using Topaz Gigapixel AI, comparing its performance against free alternatives like DGB Upscale. The video demonstrates Topaz Gigapixel's features, including various upscale models (Standard, High Fidelity, Low Res, etc.), AI-powered tools (Recover and Redefine), and bulk processing capabilities; it also compares results against DGB Upscale and Midjourney's upscaling features within Photoshop to showcase different approaches.