Philip Wallage empowers creative professionals to scale automated businesses. His Productizer Program offers a blueprint, templates, and support to streamline operations and monetize talent effectively. He focuses on design systems, web design, ecommerce, and productivity tools.
Learn how to implement a design system for your website or client projects using Untitled UI. The video demonstrates a practical, step-by-step process of installing and customizing Untitled UI, showing how to make it work for multiple users and projects.
Learn how to customize a pre-built design system for your brand using Figma, Untitled UI, and Color Slurp to maintain design consistency across digital products. The video demonstrates how to import Untitled UI, split its components into modular files, replace default colors and fonts with brand assets using Color Slurp and a Figma plugin called Batch Styler, resulting in a unique, efficient workflow.
Learn how to redesign a digital design system, improving accessibility and visual appeal while maintaining brand identity using Figma and Untitled UI. The video details a step-by-step process focusing on color palette adjustments, typography choices (using Inter and BP Editorial New fonts), and meticulous fine-tuning of Figma variables for enhanced contrast and usability.
Learn how to dramatically speed up website design using Reeloom, Figma, and Webflow to create professional websites quickly. The video demonstrates a streamlined workflow: using Reeloom to generate initial website structures and content, refining designs in Figma, and then seamlessly importing everything into Webflow for final implementation.