Rhonda M Jordan empowers entrepreneurs to monetize their expertise through digital products and online courses. Her channel provides practical strategies, tutorials, and system implementations for building profitable online businesses, focusing on lead generation, funnel creation, and leveraging tools like Systeme.io and Canva.
Learn how to design and create a professional eBook using Canva and Google Docs to streamline your workflow. The tutorial covers selecting templates, customizing colors and fonts, adding content (including affiliate links), and finally downloading your finished eBook as a PDF for distribution.
Learn how to share your Canva templates and create downloadable links for clients or customers to access your designs. The video details using Canva's built-in share function to generate template links, organizing these links in a personal tracker, and embedding them into a custom Canva document for easy distribution; no other tools are mentioned.
Learn how to create professional ebook covers using Canva to enhance your book's marketability. The process involves utilizing Canva's mockup feature, uploading your book's cover image, adjusting its size and position, and downloading the final mockup for use in your marketing materials.