Survey and form builders
Uncover actionable customer insights to drive informed business decisions.
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Formbricks is an Experience Management Suite that helps SaaS businesses gather customer feedback at every step of the customer journey, providing insights to create irresistible experiences. It allows businesses to measure satisfaction continuously, ask for feedback anywhere, and get insights in one place. With Formbricks, businesses can target specific visitors on their website, embed branded surveys in emails, and research user cohorts in their app, ultimately helping them to create a better customer experience and increase loyalty.

Features we love
Conditional logic for dynamic survey flows
Multi-language surveys with real-time translations
Unbranded design for full brand customization
Toksta's take

We’ve all heard the saying - know your customer. But what does that actually mean? Guesswork won’t cut it; you are going to need solid data to truly understand what drives the most important user behavior. 

Formbricks offers a powerful way to collect data on your users with a vast array of surveying features. 
But don’t be fooled. It isn't just another survey tool. We’d probably describe it as an “Experience Management Suite”, which aims to make sure that all business decisions are centered on the people that matter most - your users.

We most appreciate Formbricks for its user-friendliness. It’s no code solution makes it easy to create and surve different types of surveys, e.g. link surveys, website surveys, and in-app surveys and we really respect the products commitment to user privacy. It’s positioning itself as the largest privacy-first, open-source survey platform globally. This transparency and dedication to ethical data practices are extremely important in today’s data-driven world where trust in digital platforms is at an all time low.
Other impressive features include multi-language support, conditional logic, and extensive embedding options which allow you to tailor surveys to specific segments of audiences and seamlessly integrate them into existing workflows.

Any type of survey creation will be a breeze. There are great templates for churn surveys, feature chasers, and post-purchase which all provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction, retention, and feature prioritization.
Whether you want to improve customer experience, drive revenue growth, or deeply understand your target audience, Formbricks provides a comprehensive and user-friendly platform.

Growth tip

Run a "Feature Chaser" survey to understand the effort your users had to go through to achieve a certain goal in your application. This type of survey helps you identify pain points and areas where you can improve the user experience, leading to increased user satisfaction and retention. For example, if you have an e-commerce platform, you can create a survey that asks users to rate the ease of finding and purchasing a product, and then provide context on what they found challenging.

By using Farmx's flexible survey tools, you can create a targeted and relevant survey that provides valuable insights into your users' experiences. The results can be used to inform product development, improve the overall user experience, and increase user retention. With Farmx's easy-to-use interface and real-time reporting, you can quickly and easily collect and analyze data to make data-driven decisions that drive growth and success.

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