Danie Jay is a YouTube growth strategist and educator who helps creators build successful online businesses. Her content focuses on YouTube monetization strategies, platform best practices, and entrepreneurial tips, particularly for coaches, teachers, and wellness experts.
Learn how to build and launch online courses using Kajabi to generate revenue. The video details setting up your account, creating courses and offers, designing sales pages and email funnels, and leveraging Kajabi's built-in tools like its AI course creator, email marketing features, and affiliate program.
Learn how to create a high-converting sales page using Kajabi, Canva, and Pexels to boost your course sales. The tutorial details a step-by-step process, leveraging Kajabi's templates, Pexels for imagery, and Canva for design elements, focusing on a strong above-the-fold design, compelling problem/solution narrative, and multiple calls to action.