Jesse Showalter offers weekly video tutorials on digital design and web development. Content covers tools, techniques, and projects for aspiring web designers, UI designers, and front-end developers. Jesse explores topics like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, design principles, and popular platforms like MODX and Framer.
Explore how to build professional websites quickly and affordably using Yode, a platform blending visual design tools with powerful functionality. This video demonstrates building a website from scratch using Yode's templates, customizable elements, CMS, and integrated tools like Unsplash, to create responsive designs and manage content efficiently.
Learn how to create stunning, professional websites in hours without coding using Figma, Framer, and Framepad. This 3F method leverages pre-designed layouts from Framepad in Framer, creating a live, responsive website that's then imported into Figma for design customization before final publishing in Framer.
Learn how to connect your Notion databases to Framer websites using the new Framer Notion plugin to streamline website content management. This video demonstrates how to set up the plugin, map Notion database fields to Framer website components, and maintain a single source of truth in Notion, eliminating duplicate data entry and management across platforms.
Learn how to design high-converting websites to attract more clients and increase your income as a web designer. This involves creating a website template with key sections (header, negative stakes, value proposition, guide, plan, explanatory paragraph, lead generator, and footer), utilizing tools like MailChimp, HubSpot, and potentially Mobin for design inspiration, to focus on clear calls to action and compelling content.