Nic Conley creates content focused on AI tools and marketing strategies for creators and entrepreneurs. Their videos offer tutorials, reviews, and tips on utilizing cutting-edge AI applications like and Perplexity.
Learn how to create your first application without prior coding experience using Cursor, Node.js, npm, and React. The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide, using plain-text instructions within Cursor to build simple web applications, and then demonstrates building a basic "hello world" app and a jumping square game.
Learn how to build web applications without coding using, a new AI-powered tool that generates code from text prompts. The video demonstrates building a YouTube title generator and an SEO agency landing page using and the Perplexity API, showcasing the potential but also highlighting current limitations and debugging challenges.
Learn how to create professional-looking graphics for your online content using Napkin AI. This AI-powered tool allows you to generate visuals from text input, easily integrating them into platforms like Beehive and your website for newsletters, blogs, and YouTube videos, saving you significant time and effort compared to traditional graphic design methods.