Tiiny Tips delivers concise, actionable tutorials for web development and technology. The channel focuses on quick, beginner-friendly guides for building AI apps, deploying websites, and utilizing online tools.
Learn how to deploy a website using GoDaddy and Tiny.host, comparing their functionalities for simpler website hosting. The video demonstrates file uploading via GoDaddy's cPanel file manager and contrasts this with Tiny.host's streamlined drag-and-drop zip file uploading, highlighting the ease of use in both platforms.
Learn how to deploy a website on Netlify or Tiny.host, using Git or drag-and-drop methods for hosting and sharing your projects. Starting with just a zip file of your project, you can deploy your site in minutes using either platform, leveraging features such as custom domains, password protection, and analytics on Tiny.host for free, making it ideal for quick project launches.
Learn how to create and deploy simple AI-powered web apps using Claude and Tiny.host, generating a potential income stream through freelance development or app sales. Starting with a free Claude account, design an app in minutes, download the HTML file, and upload it to Tiny.host for immediate deployment; then share the functional app link to showcase your skills and attract clients seeking quick, cost-effective solutions.
Learn how to create and manage digital restaurant menus using QR codes with Tiny.host. The video demonstrates how to design your menu as a PDF or image, upload it to Tiny.host to generate a custom QR code, and easily update your menu with new pricing or specials, all while tracking views with built-in analytics.