Tutorials by Manizha & Ryan offers actionable tutorials on project management software, digital marketing, dropshipping, e-commerce, and more. Their beginner-friendly content empowers aspiring online entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge to grow their businesses.
Learn how to manage tasks and build productive habits using Todoist, a task management application. The video demonstrates how to create projects, add tasks with recurring due dates, and utilize labels and filters for organization, all within the free and paid versions of the Todoist platform.
Learn how to create a custom AI assistant for your website or business using Microsoft Copilot Studio, which offers tools for building chatbots, Q&A systems, and automated workflows. The video walks you through setting up your first agent in minutes, showing how to easily add knowledge sources like websites, customize responses, and publish your AI assistant across multiple channels like Teams and Slack.
Learn how to build a website using Squarespace's website builder and its various template options. Walk through template selection, image uploading, layout customization, and header/page editing, learning how to create a personalized site.
See how to add products to a Shopify store, including descriptions, media, and variants. You'll then learn how to configure shipping settings, including domestic and international rates, to customize the customer experience.