Wes McDowell is a digital marketing expert specializing in helping small business owners grow their customer base through website optimization and online marketing strategies. His channel offers weekly tutorials, actionable tips, and in-depth analyses of current trends, empowering entrepreneurs to build profitable and sustainable businesses.
Learn how to create and sell tiny digital products like light memberships, 90-minute workshops, ebooks, paid newsletters, email courses, mini courses, and templates using platforms like Zoom, Amazon, and Notion. The video shows how to get started by leveraging your existing knowledge to solve specific problems, with examples of creators making $100k+ per month, and emphasizes using YouTube to promote your products and reach a targeted audience.
Discover how to quickly create a professional website using 7 free AI tools, including Relume AI, ChatGPT, Ail.co, Idiogram, Brandmark.io, CodeWP, and Durable. The video walks you through using these tools to design your site structure, write content, generate color schemes and images, create a logo, add custom features, and build a complete website - all without coding skills and starting with just your business details.
Discover how to optimize your website for more leads and clients by removing distracting elements like complicated menus, generic stock photos, and social media buttons. The video teaches you to simplify your site's color scheme, use clear language, replace contact forms with direct booking tools like Calendly, and focus on authentic imagery to build trust and guide visitors towards conversion.
Learn how to create a high-converting $10k/month sales page for your service business using proven psychological tactics and a step-by-step blueprint. The video breaks down each crucial element—from the hero section to testimonials—showing you exactly how to structure your page to double conversion rates from 9% to over 20%, with actionable tips like using first-person CTAs and embedding scheduling tools like Calendly for instant bookings.