MicroConf is a community and resource for bootstrapped SaaS founders. With nearly a decade of experience, they offer training, events, and networking opportunities focused on scaling B2B SaaS businesses and achieving profitable exits. Their content covers topics like product strategy, sales, marketing, and pricing.
Discover 12 ways to make money coding, from salaried employment and freelancing to building SaaS products and creating YouTube channels. The video suggests starting with options that match your skills and goals, like using marketplaces like monday.com to build custom apps or offering productized services, before tackling more complex ventures like launching your own SaaS.
Learn how to grow a successful SaaS business using insights from nearly 700 bootstrapped founders, with data on advertising channels, pricing models, and target markets. The video reveals that Google AdWords is the top revenue-driving ad channel, while offering a free trial without requiring a credit card can lead to 2x higher customer lifetime value, showing how small tweaks to your strategy can have a big impact on growth and profitability.