Mike Powers is a professional content creator specializing in digital tools and automation. His videos provide tutorials and strategies for data extraction, automation, AI applications, and building SaaS products.
Explore how to scrape websites using AI with no code in minutes. Follow along to learn how to use the robots to crawl any page with a low code UI and pre-built templates to extract data.
Explore how to use the updated Apollo scraper for 2025 to extract leads. You'll learn how to install the extension, navigate Apollo's interface, and scrape contact information into a CSV file.
Learn how to build a web scraper to extract emails from websites using Python, Scrapy, and ChatGPT. The video details creating a Scrapy script in VS Code, leveraging ChatGPT for code generation and refinement, and utilizing the script to scrape emails from URLs sourced from Google Maps data, handling duplicates, and crawling multiple website pages.
Learn how to automate any task on your Chrome browser using a free plugin. You'll see how to create workflows, scrape data, and automate tasks like form filling and button clicking, plus manage data with tables.