Shinefy is a YouTube creator with 8 years of experience teaching viewers how to generate income online using AI and automation. His content focuses on strategies for making money with AI tools like ChatGPT, showcasing his own successes and providing actionable advice for beginners.
Learn how to generate income online using AI-powered content creation and affiliate marketing. The strategy involves using ChatGPT, Replicate, Canva, Radar, and HighLevel to create and schedule content across multiple social media platforms, then driving traffic to affiliate links through automated funnels.
Learn how to leverage AI search tools like ChatGPT and Perplexity to create viral videos and content that generates revenue through affiliate marketing. The strategy involves identifying trending AI news, using keyword tools (like Google Keyword Planner or Shine Ranker), prompting AI for content ideas and visuals (using Canva and Replicate), and automating video editing with Autocut, then distributing content across multiple platforms with the help of virtual assistants (VAs) found on platforms like and content schedulers like Radar.
Learn how to generate automated content and build a passive income system using ChatGPT, Perplexity, a free keyword tool, ShineRanker, Spotter Labs, CapCut, GoHighLevel, and The strategy involves identifying trending topics via AI, creating various content formats (blogs, videos, shorts) based on these trends, scheduling automated posting across multiple platforms, and using a sales funnel with email follow-ups to generate revenue.
Explore how an AI system can generate income monthly, with completely free tools. You'll learn the automation setup involving funnels, email, and content creation, plus how to use a checklist of AI tools.